This page is for pilegrims
Kaldor at Pilegrimsleden
to Nidaros / Trondheim
through Gudbrandsdalen..
Two houses available for an
overnight stay (click on
each house for more information).
You must provide your
own bed linen / sleeping bag and food, and clean up after yourself.
Outside tables for recreation. Shoedryers. You will get the Kaldor gard stamp in
your book!
1) Fully equipped apartment: Ground floor &
cellar in
historic styled Vetlstugua ca. 45 sqm. Very nice!
Double-bed (140cm), kitchen, bathroom. Extra bed available.
2) Bed
only: Two-floor Stabbur. 5 bed capacity
each): Ground floor 2x.
First floor with balcony: 3x.
Facilities: Twin
outhouse toilet (to-seters utedo), water in fresh
water pool, water boiler and shoedryer available.
3) Tent:
You may set up a tent
with the same outdoor facilities as the stabbur.
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Go to: kaldor.no
For more information and reservation, e-mail: kaldor@kaldor.no
Tel: +47- 906 77251
Kaldor Gard, Sørbygdsvegen 379, N-2636 Øyer
GPS location: N 61.2344o E 10.4614o.